Wednesday, November 21, 2012

You Can Be Your Best Friend


Compiled by:  M. Javed Naseem
(Excerpts from Maulana Rumi’s  ‘Masnawi’,
translated by Professors Coleman Barks & John Moyne)

The Prophet Muhammad said,
There is no better companion
on this way than what you do. 
Your actions will be
your best friend, or if you’re cruel and selfish,
your actions will be a poisonous snake
that lives in your grave.’

But tell me,
Can you do the good work without a teacher?
Can you even know what it is without the presence
of a Master?  Notice how the lowest livelihood
requires some instruction.
First comes knowledge,
Then the doing of the job, And much later,
perhaps after you’re dead, something grows
from what you’ve done.

Look for help and guidance
in whatever craft you’re learning. 
Look for a generous teacher,
one who has absorbed the tradition he’s in.

Look for pearls in oyster shells.
Learn technical skill from a craftsman.
Whenever you meet genuine spiritual teachers,
Be gentle and polite and fair with them.

Ask them questions, and be eager
for answers. Never condescend.
If a master tanner wears an old, threadbare smock,
That doesn’t diminish his mastery.
If a fine blacksmith works at the bellows
in a patched apron, it doesn’t affect
how he bends the iron.

Strip away your pride,
And put on humble clothes.
If you want to learn theory,
Talk with theoreticians. That way is oral.
When you learn a craft, practice it.
That learning comes through the hands.

If you want Dervishhood, spiritual poverty,
and emptiness, you must be friends with a sheikh.
Talking about it; reading books, and doing practices
don’t help.  Soul receives from soul that knowing.
The mystery of spiritual emptiness
may be living in a pilgrim’s heart, and yet
the knowing of it may not yet be his.

Wait for the illuminating openness,
As though your chest were filling with light,
As when God said:
‘Did We not expand you?’ … (Quran 94:1)
Don’t look for it outside yourself.

You are the source of milk. Don’t milk others!
There is a milk fountain inside you.
Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.
You have a channel into the ocean, and yet
You ask for water from a little pool.
Beg for that love expansion. Meditate only
On THAT. The Quran says:

‘And He is with you’ …. (57:4).

There is a basket of fresh bread on your head,
And yet you go door to door asking for crusts.
Knock on your inner door. No other.
Sloshing knee-deep in fresh riverwater, yet
You keep wanting a drink from other people’s waterbags.
Water is everywhere around you, but you see only
barriers that keep you from water.
The horse is beneath the rider’s thighs, and still
he asks: ‘Where’s my horse?’
Right there, under you!
Yes, this is a horse, but where’s the horse?’
‘Can’t you see?’
‘Yes, I can see, but whoever saw such a horse?’
Mad with thirst, he can’t drink from the stream
running so close by his face. He’s like a pearl
on the deep bottom, wondering, inside his shell,
Where’s the ocean?

His mental questionings
form the barrier. His physical eyesight
bandages his knowing. Self-consciousness
plugs his ears.
Stay bewildered in God,
And only that.
Those of you who are scattered,
Simplify your worrying lives. There is ONE
Righteousness: Water the fruit trees,
and don’t water the thorns. Be generous
to what nurtures the spirit and God’s luminous
reason-light. Don’t honour what causes
dysentery and knotted-up tumors.
Don’t feed both sides of yourself equally.
The spirit and the body carry different loads
And require different attentions.
Too often
we put saddlebags on Jesus and let the donkey
run loose in the pasture.
Don’t make the body do
what the spirit does best, and don’t put a big load
on the spirit that the body could carry easily.



Monday, October 8, 2012

THE GREEN PLANET (my gift to you)

(my gift to you)

What can we do today
to let true love and light flow?
What can we do today
to show the way
and change the Universe?

Rise with the sun
Run with the wind
Clap like the thunder
Flash like the lightening
Feel the grass between our toes.

Kiss a frog, hug a tree?  
Watch the feral cat rolling
and playing in the grass
showing you he/she is alive and
in need of your love.

Love the image in the mirror
Smile and say hello
Forget hate and anger
Where did it even go?
It can’t be found anywhere.

Ask what is lacking
and the answer will be
not money, not material things
but love and laughter
and the joining of things.

Fly around your day
on the wings of the butterfly
landing here and darting there
with laughter in your eyes
tasting all the goodness of life.

And when you know you’ve arrived
nothing else matters.
If there are tears in your eyes
you know you have survived
the meaningless and found yourself beneath it.

Let it be okay that I show up as Me;
Not some arrangement you have created
to remain hidden from my brightness
from my glory and heaven boundless
It’s just a smile of inner light.

And all those who loved
and have gone on
Aunt Ellen, Jimi Hendrix
Someone you have known
will welcome your arrival

and send light to your soul
And all you do will shimmer
from a special place that is only you
No one else can be you
No one else can be me

Everyone has their special gift to bring
And if you don’t judge it and
just let it be – their gift will
rise above and sink below
and bring growth to every living thing

Jesus said, judge not that you be not judged
So how can you judge me unworthy
He said, go and understand what this means
Follow that same energy of joy and grace
and you will do greater things!

Think – the breath of life. When breath is gone
the body dies, so let it all breathe
Take it in deeply and let go of the poison
of prevention of what life is supposed to be!
It’s all connected, so what will you bring?

What can we bring to life
If we focus on death and disease?
It can be a part of you if you choose
but I don’t want it to be a part of me
If you diagnose me – diagnose me as FREE!

If you analyze me and I’ve done nothing to you
Except show up, be different, be me
Then energy is wasted if you want to cage me
judge me as crazy and toss me aside
when you are done  - who can toss aside the SUN?!

So breathe. Don’t forget to breathe.
And as you breathe, breathe in the grace and
dignity that allows love and compassion and creativity;
the joy and ability to create life anew as we
expand each day without judging it, just living it, just loving it!

© October 8, 2012. All Rights Reserved. Victoria Springer

 If you use this poem you must use it in its entirety, no excerpts, and you must have the author and copyright information: Victoria Springer, TheLiberatedPlanet.blogspot  Thanks for respecting the rights of others.



Thursday, April 26, 2012


Everything I have written in the past is just that, in the past. I no longer think the way I used to think. No matter how pretty I was or how much I excelled there was never any approval for me. I spent most of my time people pleasing and wondering why no one loved me just for myself.

Buried deep inside was “a wise man.” I called him that and he communicated with me. I was always writing, “and the wise man said to me:” It was this wise man who got me through some pretty tough times. This supernatural part of myself, that I didn’t see as me, I saw it as divine intervention. Little did I know I was divine.

Religion teaches us phrases like, God doesn’t make junk, etc… But the message is, you are really junk, and if you do not obey and tow the line, follow the rules, then you are going to reap what you sow, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

I was on religion overload. I believe that inside voice and that spirit connected to scripture that I quoted nearly led me to my destruction. Here is the Truth: God is Love, Love is the Way, and you First have to Love yourself. You have to understand you are Divine. And when you find your own Divinity, you will finally have the Love, Peace and Joy that is Real.

Boundary lines are crossed continually in the world of religion. It breeds indifference as well. When we reach out and finally touch each other once in a while around this thing called God, it is a feeble effort at best.

So what am I saying here? Am I filled with blasphemy? I really don’t know. All I know is what brings true peace and joy and love. All I know is that the answer really is within. And when we touch that inner space then we can love and be an example that others can touch that same space within themselves. You can’t touch it for them. But sometimes in the midst of struggle, they may stumble upon an answer for themselves.

I remember standing in my bathroom feeling so much pain and confusion. I thought I was dying the pain and confusion was so great. I felt trapped without an escape and I couldn’t even think about escape I was so bogged down with the pain and confusion. Then something awesome happened. At the time it was only temporary because I didn’t know how to make it permanent. I had not yet read Eckhart Tolle’s book, The New Earth. At this point I didn’t even know who Eckhart Tolle was. But what happened to me in that bathroom was this: I held all that pain in a ball in the palm of my hand. And my entire body and mind was at peace because the pain was all in the ball I held in my hand. And I saw and felt  what it was like without all that pain and my mind was crystal clear. I was just fine. Did I toss the ball in the trash, flush it down the toilet? No, I took it back inside. But I glimpsed life without it, and wow, it was a calm beautiful sea.

And as I shed all those layers of pain, instead of just tossing the whole ball, I grew as a human being. I learned some valuable lessons. I opened my eyes and saw things that I can now share with others and hopefully they will see them, too.

The answer is not in religion. This god or that god, this way or that way. The world and the world’s religions operate the same, on the same principals. You don’t have to take my word for this. Read Berger and Luckman’s book, The Social Construction of Reality. You can find it on or It is an eye opener. And once you see how your life has been constructed from the outside in and you are nowhere near knowing who you really are or what you were meant to be, then you can begin to change as I and so many others have. All those things you were told were evil, they aren’t. Some of them will set you free. Mainstream religion is nothing but a market. And it uses you just like any other marketing system. Those religions cannot save you, although many people give them the credit. If you get saved, you save yourself. And you can believe lies even coming from within if you don’t have the proper information.

But for now, my point is, if you are feeling like a weed, let me tell you, the natural beauty of a weed and the way it grows and thrives is a beautiful thing. So go be the most gorgeous wild flower you can be and love yourself for it.

photos and text © Victoria Springer

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Awe is the salve that will heal our eyes.

(quote from The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks. New Expanded Edition. Page 65)
I just walked outside and the sky is so blue. Nothing but blue. A single bird circling for prey. A distant jet coming from and going to somewhere else.
In the alcove between my front patio and the garage are flourishing plants, white rocks and three stray cats. Seeing all this heals my soul and comforts me.
I love it when the little black cats with golden eyes look at me with trust, knowing I am going to provide as much of a home as I can for them. If there is a God, then that God is similar to me, wanting to provide for me the way I want to provide for the feral cats. They are so cute, playful, and adventurous; wanting only to be safe and survive and have provisions while they go about playing, resting and being curious about life.

I find healing in the simple joy of watching them. I find healing in gazing at the clear blue sky, a blank palette with endless possibilities for exploration of the soul. I find the colorful blooms on the plants in the alcove incredibly detailed and can get lost in their beauty, gently touched by the breeze and sun. Joy. Peace. Love. Adventure. Can you see it?

Awe, it can be as big as the sky, or as small as a tiny bloom. Awe is the salve that will heal, the balm that will calm.
I honor all I see outside my front door, and in return, it is good when all I see also honors me.

© April 25, 2012. All Rights Reserved. Victoria Springer