Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Awe is the salve that will heal our eyes.

(quote from The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks. New Expanded Edition. Page 65)
I just walked outside and the sky is so blue. Nothing but blue. A single bird circling for prey. A distant jet coming from and going to somewhere else.
In the alcove between my front patio and the garage are flourishing plants, white rocks and three stray cats. Seeing all this heals my soul and comforts me.
I love it when the little black cats with golden eyes look at me with trust, knowing I am going to provide as much of a home as I can for them. If there is a God, then that God is similar to me, wanting to provide for me the way I want to provide for the feral cats. They are so cute, playful, and adventurous; wanting only to be safe and survive and have provisions while they go about playing, resting and being curious about life.

I find healing in the simple joy of watching them. I find healing in gazing at the clear blue sky, a blank palette with endless possibilities for exploration of the soul. I find the colorful blooms on the plants in the alcove incredibly detailed and can get lost in their beauty, gently touched by the breeze and sun. Joy. Peace. Love. Adventure. Can you see it?

Awe, it can be as big as the sky, or as small as a tiny bloom. Awe is the salve that will heal, the balm that will calm.
I honor all I see outside my front door, and in return, it is good when all I see also honors me.

© April 25, 2012. All Rights Reserved. Victoria Springer


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